Thursday, 5 April 2012

D is for digging , E is for Easter .

D is for digging 

Theres no way to avoid it , although i know some people do a no dig technique , we have to dig our allotment. This year we started by hand but got fed up ! so we got a rotivator , we dug up nasty weeds first like dandelions and then did the whole plot ! Its looking good now. As soon as i get my  new  camera  i will post the pictures.

E is for Easter 

A day of rest ? No not if the weather holds !! We always plant our seed potatoes on Easter , its traditional !!


  1. Hi - found you by shutting my eyes and hitting the mouse! Nice to read about an allotment - I used to have one years ago in the UK.

    1. aarrhhh thanks !! there are so many blogs on the challenge shutting your eyes and hiting mouse sounds a good idea !
